Open the Circle Inversion Limit Set software.
Under the Circles menu, change the centers and radii to
x = 1.0 | y = 1.0 | radius = 1.0 |
x = -1.0 | y = 1.0 | radius = 1.0 |
x = -1.0 | y = -1.0 | radius = 1.0 |
x = 1.0 | y = -1.0 | radius = 1.0 |
x = 0.0 | y = 0.0 | radius = 0.41 |
then click OK.
1. Describe the main features of the limit set.
2. Return to the Circles menu and add a sixth circle
with center at
3. Return to the Circles menu and add a seventh circle
with center at
4. Return to the Circles menu and add eighth and
nonth circles with centers at
5. Return to the original list of five circles. Move the center of
the fifth circle from
6. Return to the original list of five circles and change the radius of
the fifth circle to 0.5. Change the center from
7. Change the center of the fifth circle to
x = 0.75 | y = 0.57 |
x = 0.57 | y = 0.75 |
x = 0.5 | y = 1.0 |
x = 0.57 | y = 1.25 |
x = 0.75 | y = 1.43 |
x = 1.0 | y = 1.5 |
For what centers is the limit set a clean shape, fractal or euclidean? Do you see a pattern?
8. Move the center of the fifth circle to
x = -1.35 | y = 1.35 |
x = -1.35 | y = -1.35 |
x = 1.35 | y = -1.35 |
Zoom out (select 0.25 in the zoom menu). Describe the limit set from this perspective.
Return to Circle Inversion Fractals.