XWPL, the X Wavelet Packet Laboratory
This is the home page for release 1.3 of XWPL, the X Window System
Wavelet Packet Laboratory. This release is the final release for the
quasi-abandonware program, which hasn't ben updated since 1994. It is
available (in binary form only) in this directory on on gauss.math.yale.edu, in the directory
Unfortunately, I cannot release the sources as this work was funded by Yale, DARPA and many others, so please don't ask
Reasonably recent binaries are available for the following platforms:
- Sun Sparc running Solaris
- Intel PCs running Linux (Red Hat 7.3, SuSE 5.0) or Solaris
Obsolete binaries are available for the following platforms:
- Sun Sparcstations running SunOS 4.1 or Solaris 2.3
- Silicon Graphics machines running IRIX 4.0.1 or IRIX 5
- DEC Alpha AXP running DEC OSF/1 1.2 or higher
- PC compatible with Linux 0.99 or FreeBSD 1.0.2
- HP 9000/700 series running HP-UX 9.0
All bug-reports, suggestions, clarifications, flames, etc... should be
directed to the author, Fazal
Majid (majid@math.yale.edu).
What is Xwpl ?
XWPL is an X based tool to examine one-dimensional real-valued signals using
wavelets and wavelet packets. It has been designed to be as easy to use as
possible for beginners. It is intended more as an educational and exploratory
tool than as a numerical analysis program, even though it uses fast, optimized
wavelet and wavelet packet transforms.
Click on the thumbnail
for a sample screen shot.
Click here for the HTML for a
hypertext version of the XWPL reference manual (converted from the
LaTeX original), and here for the PDF
What are Wavelets and Wavelet Packets ?
In short, wavelets are a way to analyze a signal using base functions which
are localized both in time (as diracs, but unlike sine waves), and in
frequency (as sine waves, but unlike diracs). They can be used for efficient
numerical algorithms and many DSP or compression applications.
The mathematical theory behind wavelets (and other related transforms) is
given in the appendix of the XWPL reference manual.
Other sources of information on wavelets are:
- a mailing list, "Wavelet Digest"
Subscriptions for Wavelet Digest:
E-mail to wavelet@math.scarolina.edu with "subscribe" as subject.
To unsubscribe, e-mail with "unsubscribe" followed by your e-mail
address as subject. To change address, unsubscribe and resubscribe.
- the
Wavelet Digest site www.wavelets.org
- the ftp servers pascal.math.yale.edu and maxwell.math.scarolina.edu
How to install it
Click here for more instructions.
No Warranty
XWPL is put on anonymous ftp as a service to the math/DSP/internet
communities. There is no warranty for this software. If you are not
satisfied with these terms, do not use it!
Fazal Majid
Revision: $Id: xwpl.html,v 1.12 2002/06/28 01:01:30 majid Exp $