How to install XWPL

You will need the gzip utility (available by anonymous ftp from to decompress XWPL. Once you have the appropriate package for your machine architecture and operating system, go into a convenient directory, and type the following:
	gzip -cd xwpl-1.3-(machine).tar.gz | tar xvf -

The archive will be uncompressed and unpacked into a directory "xwpl". You can now delete the original .tar.gz file as it no longer is needed and takes unnecessary disk space.

The main files in the "xwpl" directory are:
	README		this file
	CHANGES		a version history and change log
	xwpl		the executable	an Unix-style man page for xwpl (short)	the reference manual in PostScript form
	data/		a directory containing interesting samples
	data/List.txt	a description of those files
To view the man page, type the following:
	nroff -man | more
it can also be installed as /usr/man/man1/xwpl.1 (or whatever the man path is on your system), for the man page to be accessible system-wide using the "man" command. If you have ptroff, ditroff+psroff or groff, you can also make typeset versions of this man page.

The PostScript manual is 47 pages long, and can be printed on a PostScript printer such as an Apple Laserwriter, HP Laserjet 4M/4ML or III with PostScript option, QMS, DEC LPS, etc... Your printer might have problems with large figures included in the manual. Alternatively, you might view it using one of the many postscript previewers available, such as ghostscript/ghostview (freely available by ftp from, psview/xpsview, pageview (Sun systems), dxvdoc (DEC systems), etc...

The LaTeX source for the manual (with postscript figures) is available as "manual.tar.gz" (compressed with "gzip") in the same directory.

Fazal Majid (
Revision: $Id: install.html,v 1.4 1999/02/08 16:00:20 majid Exp $