Math 340L (Matrices and Matrix Calculations), Fall 2010
This is a brief summary of the most important information about the course
(first day handout). The main course web page is here
and contains more details on some of the points listed here.
- Instructor: Andy Neitzke,,
office hours Tuesday 9:30a-10:30a and Friday 11:00a-12:00 noon in RLM 9.134.
- Teaching assistant: Jiexian Li, office hours Monday 4:00p-5:00p,
Tuesday 1:00-2:30p, Wednesday 4:00-5:00p and Friday 9:30-11:00a in RLM 11.156.
- Text: Linear Algebra and its Applications, 3rd edition, by David Lay.
- Syllabus: The course is intended to cover Chapters 1-6 of the text, with a few sections omitted.
More details are available here.
- Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00a-9:30a, CPE 2.208.
- Homework: Weekly problem sets, due Thursday in class, or in my mail slot by 9:30a. You are encouraged to work together on the problem sets, but you must write up your own solutions. Problem sets assigned so far are here.
- Exams: Two in-class midterm exams, Thursday September 30 and Thursday November 4. One final exam. A 1-page (standard letter size, 2-sided) handwritten crib sheet is allowed for each exam.
- Grading: 2/9 each midterm; 3/9 final; 2/9 homework. I will drop the lowest 2/9.
- Calculators: May be used while working on the homework, but not on any exams.
- Disabilities: The University of Texas at Austin provides
upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with
disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at
471-6259, 471-4641 TTY.