Jinwei Yang 
Office: 429 DL
Phone: 203-432-4172
E-mail: jinwei.yang@yale.edu

Mailing Address: 10 Hillhouse Ave
Department of Mathematics
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06511

Fall 2017 Course:

Math 246 -- Ordinary Differential Equations.

Research: Representation Theory, Vertex Operator Algebras and related areas.

Recent Publications:

Braided tensor categories of admissible modules for affine Lie algebras (with T. Creutzig and Y.-Z. Huang), arXiv:1709. 01865.

Higher level Zhu’s algebras and modules for vertex operator algebras (with K. Barron and N. Vander Werf), arXiv:1710. 04767.

Twisted representations of vertex operator algebras associated affine Lie algebras, arXiv:1605. 07223.

Associative algebras and (logarithmic) twisted modules for a vertex operator algebra (with Y.-Z. Huang), arXiv:1603. 04367.

Vertex algebraic intertwining operators among generalized Verma modules for sl(2)^ (with R. McRae), arXiv:1510. 05457

Vertex algebras associated to the abelian current algebras, arXiv:1508. 01923

Differential equations and logarithmic intertwining operators for strongly graded vertex algebras, arXiv:1304.0138

Last updated November 2017.