art by Lora Kenyon
A uniformly chosen reduced 3-web, via Tutte embedding.
A "generalized hyperbola"; a Vinnikov curve of degree 25
parameterization of solutions to x^y=y^x
2d generalization of Polya urn
Covariances in the multinomial "L" tiling model
constant-perimeter rectangulation
area-1 rectangulation
area-1 rectangulation
area-1 mappings
random triangulation
square spiral
discrete conformal linkage constructed with Ander Holroyd and David Wilson
integrable resistor network
double cover
You think your way in
Aztec diamond tiling with semifrozen phases
Integrable dynamics on circle patters
Critical percolation on the honeycomb conditioned to have fixed boundary connections.
Unbalanced grove a uniform spanning tree on the honeycomb with fixed boundary connections
Care to dance?
Dance with more partners
integrable dynamics? 10^5 points
integrable dynamics? 10^6 points
integrable dynamics? 10^6 points
Iterates of a point on the real line under the piecewise isometry
f(z) = exp(it)(z+2sin(t)) if Im(z)>0
f(z) = exp(it)(z-2sin(t)) else.
Here t is an irrational multiple of pi.
LERW in Z^2,
Half-plane LERW n Z^2
Edge probabilities for the loop-erased random walk on Z^2.
A simulation of a cycle-rooted spanning forest process.
This is a determinantal measure on the edges of a graph
generalizing the uniform
spanning tree process.
Eigenvalues of the discrete-time TASEP
The totally asymmetric exclusion process on a circle of length 7.
Uniform random branched polymer construction
(Joint work with Peter Winkler)
Uniform random branched polymer
with 95 balls(Joint work with Peter Winkler)
Branched polymer
A uniformly chosen banched polymer with 1100 disks.
Branched polymer
A uniformly chosen banched polymer with 500 disks.
Dancing triangles
See the paper Dimers, tilings and trees joint with Scott Sheffield
packing segments
Random packing of segments in a torus. Here I took
about 200 segments, of angles evenly spaced around a circle.
This packing is apparently in an "ordered" phase where nearby
segments have generally nearby directions. Conjecturally there
is a phase transition when the length or number of segments increases,
from a disordered phase to an ordered phase.
Doubling tiles (Pdf version
here )
Compact sets with interior which can be
tiled with two similar copies of themselves (with non-overlapping interiors).
These are (conjecturally) all 17 of them.
Freezing amoeba An amoeba "freezing":
tending to its tropical version.
Mobius Linkage a linkage
whose configuration space is (an open set in) the Mobius group.
frozen boundaries for a 9-gon
frozen boundaries for a 12-gon
An amoeba melting away from its spine
"Octic" circle: the frozen/temperate boundary for "diabolo" tilings
of an Aztec-diamond-like region. This shape was originally discovered
by Henry Cohn and Robin Pemantle. New techniques (joint with Andrei
Okounkov) yield a simple proof.
Volume constrained boxed-plane-partition
The frozen/temperate boundaries for a boxed-plane partition as a function
of the volume. The curves are logarithms of ellipses,
that is, images of a one-parameter family
of ellipses under the map (x,y)->(log(x),log(y)).
Simulation of a random tiling of a regular hexagon ("boxed plane partition").
The arctic/temperate boundary for lozenge tilings of an indented hegaxon.
It is a rational curve of degree 5.
simulation of actual random tiling in
octagonal region, where the arctic boundary is a cardiod.
Another example with a degree-4 curve.
Mobius-invariant Sierpinski carpet
A random fractal with distribution invariant under the action
of the group of Mobius transformations of the 2-sphere.
lower-density example
aztec armadillo
The triangle tiling associated to an Aztec diamond of order 25.
The phase diagram for a dimer problem with 8 distinct phases (4 solid, 1 liquid,
3 gaseous).
The discrete Sqrt[z] function.
Random triangulation of the nXn square with "unit" integer triangles
Other examples
Degree-6 triangulations of the plane
in which all triangles have circumcircles of radius 1.
Such an embedding is generated by three maps Z->R.
For these three images I took three triples of
sinusoidal mappings of different incommensurable periods.
Self-similar tiling with expansion factor a root of x^4+x+1=0.
dark blue -> red -> yellow -> light blue -> {purple, dark blue}
green-> purple -> {yellow, green}
Resonance in the non-intersecting lattice path model.
This is the normalized logarithm of the grand canonical partition function of the critical
non-intersecting monotone lattice path model with periodic boundaries. Here m,n
are the dimension of the torus, and A=mn.
Pattern probabilities in a random domino tiling
Poincaré recurring
Under 121 iterations of the linear map {{1,1},{1,0}}, this image of Henri Poincaré
magically returns to its original state. How many pixels are there in the image?
Energy level spectrum for electrons
in Z^2 as a function of magnetic field strength
(vertical coordinate
ranging from 0 to 2Pi, horizontal from -4 to 4).
This is the eigenvalue spectrum for n large of the tridiagonal nXn matrix
whose entries
one above and below the diagonal are 1,
and diagonal entries are
2, 2Cos[t],2Cos[2t],... where t is the vertical coordinate.
Entropy for diabolo tilings with weights (a,b,c,d)=(a,1/a,c,1/c), as function of a and c.
(Range a>1,c>1. The function is symmetric under a -> 1/a and c -> 1/c.)
Probability of an `a' edge in a diabolo tiling with weights a,b=1/a,c,d=1/c,
as function of a and c.
Contour in a random domino tiling
Take a domino tiling of an annulus, with a certain (small)
probability there is a height contour which winds around
the annulus. It is conjectured that these contours
are conformally invariant self-avoiding curves.
Long contours in a random domino tiling
Conformal subdivision of a triangle into 7 copies
This combinatorial subdivision rule is "conformal"
in the sense of Cannon, Floyd, Parry. In particular
there is a conformal structure on the disk such that
the subdision rule is realized by conformal maps.
In this case (as is usually the case) the conformal structure
is essentially unique. There it is.
Square wave
Map the infinite checkerboard to the plane so that black squares
map to squares and white squares map to quadrilaterals.
Such a map is a disguised version of a discrete analytic function.
This is a discrete approximation to the exponential map f(z)=e^z.
Self-similar tiling
Square tiling of an ellipse
The Smith diagram is a geometric realization of a discrete
harmonic function on a planar graph. Each edge of the graph
becomes a square whose upper and lower sides have coordinates
given by the value of the harmonic function at its endpoints.
The right and left sides have coordinates given by the conjugate
harmonic function. In this picture, the underlying graph is Cannon's
"combinatorial hyperbolic plane". I chose some simple
Dirichlet boundary conditions.
Equilateral exponential function
Another generalization of the Smith diagram ,
a discrete version of the function f(z)=exp(c*z).
Equilateral Weierstrass function
As above but this time the harmonic function is on a
finite graph on a torus.
Smith diagram for the discrete arctangent function.