Texas Algebraic Geometry Symposium 2019

The Texas Algebraic Geometry Symposium is jointly hosted by the University of Texas at Austin, Rice University and Texas A&M University. We aim to bring some of the latest developments in Algebraic Geometry to a regional audience.

The 2019 Symposium will be held February 8-10 at the University of Texas at Austin. The following mathematicians will give plenary lectures:

Piotr Achinger IMPAN.

Angela Gibney Rutgers University.

Michael Groechenig University of Toronto.

Paul Hacking University of Massachusetts Amherst .

Danny Krashen Rutgers University.

Nicholas Proudfoot University of Oregon.

Harold Williams University of California, Davis.

Organizers: David Ben-Zvi, Sean Keel, Gregory Pearlstein, Sam Raskin, Frank Sottile, and Anthony Várilly-Alvarado.

Schedule: Available here.

TAGS is generously supported by the National Science Foundation and the Mathematics Departments of Rice, Texas A&M and UT Austin.

Archive of Previous Symposia:

Texas A&M University, April 6-8, 2018. (Original Webpage)

Rice University, April 21-23, 2017. (Original Webpage)

UT Austin, April 2-3, 2016. (Original Webpage)

Texas A&M, April 10-12, 2015. (Original Webpage)

Rice University, April 4-6, 2014.

UT Austin, April 6-7, 2013.

Texas A&M University, April 27-29, 2012.

Rice University, April 22-24, 2011.

UT Austin, April 17-18, 2010.

Texas A&M University, May 1-3, 2009.

Rice University, April 11-13, 2008.

UT Austin, March 30 - April 1, 2007.

Texas A&M University, May 20 - 21, 2006.

Rice University, May 20 - 22, 2005.