I am joining the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI) at UC San Diego in summer 2019. I am seeking outstanding postdocs and graduate students.

I am a Gibbs assistant professor in the Applied Math program at Yale University. I am currently with Prof. Ronald Coifman's research group on high-dimensional data analysis. I completed my PhD at the Technion at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Israel Cohen. My research interests are
- Manifold learning
- Diffusion geometry
- Computational neuroscience
- Image processing and Biomedical signal processing
- Applied harmonic analysis
Visualizing the PHATE of Neural Networks accepted to NeurIPS 2019!Teaching
- Fall 2019: CSE 291 Geometry of Data
- Spring 2019: MATH 222 Linear Algebra with Applications
- Spring 2018: AMTH 160 Structure of Networks
Upcoming Travel 2019
- Center for Theoretical Neuroscience seminar, Columbia University (July 12)
- CNS*2019, Barcelona (July 13-16)
- Manifolds for Neural Computation OCNS Workshop Barcelona (July 16-17)
- SfN, Chicago (Oct. 19-24)
- Computational Harmonic Analysis and Data Science, BIRS (Oaxaca) (Oct. 27 - Nov. 1)