Study group on affine quantum groups and categories O.
Time: Thursday evenings, typically 4.30-6, at MIT, 2-449 and/or on zoom, please ask Ivan or Pavel for the password.
Organized by Pavel Etingof, seen here relaxing before working hard this semester, and Ivan Losev.
What this is about: the discussion will move towards questions related to understanding categories O for affine quantum groups at roots of unity (and why to care about them) and will include various necessary prerequisites. We will assume basic knowledge of quantum groups, for example, before the first lecture the participants are encoraged to skim through the first four sections of this paper.
Sept 5, 4.30-6: Pavel will talk about Sec 5 in this paper. Ivan's notes. Video recording.
Sept 12, Pavel continues. Ivan's notes (with corrections). Video recording.
Sept 19, no meeting.
Sept 26, Ivan starts to give a lazy account on categories O and their highest weight equivalences, notes (w/o crocodiles...).
video (with crocodiles!).
Oct 3, Mikhail Berstein (U. Edinburgh) will continue the exposition of the quantum affine groups (on zoom!). Video and Mikhail's
Oct 10, Ivan continues to speak about category O (and possibly crocodiles) in a lazy way. In person.
Notes. Video.
Oct 17, Mikhail continues his lectures, on zoom. Notes. Video.
Oct 24, 5.30-7, Ivan continues being lazy. Video, notes.
Oct 31, no meeting -- too lazy.
Nov 7, Ivan continues and takes the lazyness to the affine level. Notes. Video.
Nov 14 Peter Koroteev talks about topics related to this and
this papers, on zoom. Video and notes.
Nov 21, Peter continues. Video and notes.
Nov 28, no meeting.
Dec 5: cancelled.
Dec 12, 3pm, 2-361: the last lazy affine lecture by Ivan. Video and notes.