MATH 761, Invariant theory (Spring 2025).
Instructor: Prof. Ivan Loseu (email:
Lectures: MW 2:30-3:45pm, location: KT 207. The first class is on 1/13
Office hours: T 2.30-3.30, W 10.30-11.30.
This document contains important information on the class content. Please read it!
This highly invariant bear seen by Tianqi Wang is roaming Yale Math department looking for homework submissions!
Homework 1, due Feb 5.
Homework 2, due Feb 21.
Homework 3, due Mar 28.
January 13: Introduction, notes. I plan to explain a motivation coming from Linear algebra, have a brief discussion of polynomial invariants and state foundational results of
Hilbert. Finally, we mention applications to Algebraic geometry.
January 15: Categorical quotients, I, notes. We discuss averaging operators in a general setting, apply them to prove the Hilbert finiteness theorem, and discuss important special cases.
January 20: MLK, no class.
January 22: Categorical quotients, II, notes. Actions on affine varieties and categorical quotients.
January 24: Categorical quotients, III, notes (updated Jan 29). We discuss algebro-geometric properties of quotients as well as reductive groups.
January 27: \theta-groups I, notes. This is a class of linear actions of reductive groups with very nice properties. We will specify this class, describe motivations and start developing the structure theory.
January 29: \theta-groups II, notes. We discuss Cartan subspaces and Weyl groups in the \theta-group setting.
February 3: \theta-groups III, notes. We prove the Chevalley restriction theorem for \theta-groups and (at least) start proving that the Weyl group is a complex reflection group.
February 5: \theta-groups IV, notes (updated 2/6). We finish the proof that the Weyl group is a complex reflection groups and start a discussion of computing \theta-groups.
February 10: \theta-groups V, notes (updated 2/14). We continue our discussion of computing the \theta-groups.
February 12: \theta-groups, VI, notes. We finish the discussion of SL_3 actiong on S^3(C^3) and discuss sections of the quotient morphisms.
Here is a complete proof of the main theorem from Section 2.2.
February 17: Hilbert-Mumford theorem, I, notes. We state and prove the theorem about detecting closed orbits in the closure of a given one using one-parameter subgroups.
February 19: Hilbert-Mumford theorem, II, notes. We do computations using the Hilbert-Mumford theorem, and start discussing optimal destabilizing subgroups.
February 24: Hilbert-Mumford, III, notes. We continue the study of characteristics/ optimal destabilizing subgroups and introduce the Hesselinl/Kirwan-Ness stratification of the zero fiber of the quotient morphism.
February 26: Etale slices, notes. We discuss the etale slice theorem due to Luna. Proof of the main lemma.
March 3: Connections to Symplectic geometry, I notes. We state and prove the Kempf-Ness theorem, discuss moment maps and deduce some applications.
March 5: Connections to Symplectic geometry, II notes. We discuss Hamiltonian reduction and symplectic slice theorems. The participants may want to familiarize themselves with cotangent bundles (Sec 2 in [CdS]) and local structure theorems (Part III in [CdS], especially Secs. 6 and 7).